Telephone number in Warsaw

A telephone number in Warsaw is a landline phone
with area code: 22.
Since our customers come from different towns very often and have only a mobile telephone number,
there is an excellent and almost free-of-charge solution to have not only a Warsaw corporate address
(in the very centre of the city), but also a Warsaw landline telephone number, which of course may be answered
with your mobile anywhere in Poland (and no difference may be heard).
Monthly fee for a 22 area-code number is only PLN 1.50 net - Shock !
Prices of selected services as of 15 July 2014:
- account maintenance: PLN 1.00 net
- number maintenance: PLN 0.50 net (which makes PLN 1.50 net in total)
- call redirection activation and maintenance: free of charge
- landline number calls in Poland: PLN 0.05 per minute (on a per-second basis as a standard)
- mobile number calls in Poland: PLN 0.11 net per minute (on a per-second basis as a standard)
Note ! Redirection to your mobile means that your 022 number "calls" your mobile.
Such "calling" takes milliseconds,
thus your caller does not realise that.
"Calling" is of course paid in accordance with the above price list.
The service is provided by If you have any problems with your number, call 601 798 080 and the company's owner will help you.
It is possible that you will have to give your login in the system, thus write it down.
Key links related to telephone/fax with a Warsaw number :
The service is provided by If you have any problems, please call 601 798 080 and the company's owner
will help you. A current price list is always available in the above website,
however it is not likely to differ from the above prices since they have been in force already since 2011.